Create categories to assign to your events for reporting, event listing filtering, and limit access by internal users. Many system reports can be filtered by categories. You can also limit access by internal users/administrators to specific categories under Application > Users. See User Settings
Connect your events to one or more categories. If you use event listings or calendars, your event must be associated with at least one category that is assigned to the calendar. Otherwise, the event will not appear on the listing once you post it live. See Calendars and Event Listings
Under Interface > Calendars and Listings click the [Categories] link next to the Calendar/Listing:
Assign the Category/Categories of events that should appear on this calendar and save changes:
Add a New Category
Under Application > Basic Setup > Event Categories click on the "New Category" button, type in the title, and click "Add Category" to save changes.
Description - If you have a lot of categories, this can help other internal users know each one's purpose.
Assigned Primary Category - If you use subcategories on a class listing, use this feature to assign to a main category.
Security - An Event Manager - Owned/Assigned Events may be given limited access to certain Administration Reports based on categories. (See User Settings). If the Security box is checked, however, an Event Manager can still post live events to all categories, even if the user does not have access to the reports for those categories.
Single registration only - If a person can only take one class in the Intermediate Level, for example, you would create an Intermediate category to prevent persons from signing up for more than one Intermediate Level class.
Duplicate Message - Customize the message you want to appear on the registration form, when a person tries to sign up for another class in the same category.
If a person is on the wait list for Event A and later is confirmed for Event B in the same category, the person's wait list registration in Event A will be cancelled automatically.
When creating new events, you can organize them by a type of class, such as Technology offerings. Registrants can then search for events on your list of upcoming events by category.
In many reports you will see a category filter option.
[Events] Link for Multiple Category Assignment
Once created, you can assign multiple events to a category under:
Application > Basic Setup > Event Categories
- Access the category's [Events] link.
- Click the button called View Events That Match Status.
- All events will appear chronologically. Check the ones you want to assign to the category. If any events are already assigned to the category, they will already be selected.
- Click the button called Save Category Attachments.
Primary Categories
These labels simply offer you way to internally organize your categories and makes it easier to select categories from a long list when you assign them at the event level under Event Setup > Categories.
Reporting can also be run based on Primary Categories.
Set up Selection Filters (Calendars and Listings > Categories)
You can organize up to three levels of filtering to create a main category/subcategory relationship on a class listing.
Video Creating Category Filters
Does not work with Calendar View Listing Type. You will not see the filters button on a Calendar View type listing in setup.
Example: You want to create three main categories called Class Level, Class Type and Class Length. Selection filters will allow registrants to view only classes in a particular combination of three categories such as Intermediate level, in-person, and one-day.
- Click [Categories] for the listing page.
- Click Setup Selection Filters
- Add Filter
- Give it a name (label) as it will appear on the listing.
- Indicate if it should appear first, second or third on the list (priority).
- Set which categories appear to the filter, e.g. Class Level might be the beginning, intermediate and advanced categories.
Here is what your registrants would see:
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