Application > Database > Database Setup
Request CC Address from Registrant: You can include a field in which a registrant must type in the email address of his or her supervisor when creating a record in the database. If you choose this option, you can also determine the wording that will appear next to the email address field.
Store Registration Responses: If, for example, registrants are signing up for multiple events at the same time, the system can save their responses to registration questions so they don't have to fill in the data each time. However, the questions must be organized in the same order for each form.
Recall responses from primary registrant: When a store and recall option is selected in the Store Registration Responses database settings, you can prohibit the recall of responses from the primary registrant when they are setting up a new dependent account and completing a registration form for them.
Update Database Profile Based on Registration Form: If a registrant changes a field on a registration form that is stored in the Database (such as changing a phone number), the Database will be updated with the change once the registrant submits the form. By default, Learning Stream will not allow a registrant to change his or her name on the registration form. This is to prevent multiple people from using a shared ID and password to register for events.
Check here to turn on the option to store login information by default: If a person is registering for more than one event, they can choose to have their login data stored as a cookie so that they don't have to log-in separately for each registration. The checkbox on the Event Login page will say "Save my login information on this computer". The system will store the information for 90 days. It may not be advisable to activate this feature if registrants use public computers that may also be used by others.
Enable Option to Pay Balance: If you give registrants access to their account and history via the RAM, you can also give them the ability to pay any outstanding balances online.
Use Email Address as Login ID: By checking this box, you will remove the login ID field from the account setup page. The registrant's email address will then be the default login ID when the person registers for future events.
Login ID Prompt/Label: You can change the wording on the Event Login and RAM Login screen's Login ID fields to something more specific to your needs.
Restrict Registration Overlap: If a person tries to register for an overlapping event, a message will appear on the event log-in screen stating that the event's times overlap with another event and that registration is prohibited. Events must have an event end date in order for this function to work. Events must also be tied to the Registrant Database.
Login Information Optional: When adding a registrant not already in the Registrant Database to an event, the login ID and password fields will not be required.
DB Questions
Associate global questions with a person's record in the registrant database.
Click on the DB Questions tab in Database Setup under Application > Database > Database Setup.
Click "Add Global Question". You will see a list of your global questions in the system.
The global question you select will then be added to the database record for each person.
The global question will also be added dynamically to the registrant import template if you identify an Import Header.
Assigning Global Questions in the DB Question Setup
Response Required on Internal Registrant Maintenance Page - box should be checked if you want the DB question answered when a record is added internally by an administrative user.
Allow Changes by Registrant in Account Setup - Registrant can update this question's information in the Registrant Access Module (RAM) and under the My Account tab in the shopping cart under Account View > Account Information when this is checked.
Response Required by Registrant in Account Setup - Global questions assigned to the database can be required of anyone setting up an account. This can be helpful if you want participants to answer questions at the account level prior to any signups. They would not have to answer the same questions again on a registration form.
You can use global questions tied to the database to bulk register persons. Instructions.
Event Login message
Add information to the log-in screen that a registrant sees when preparing to sign up for a specific event. The registrant will only see this screen if you require them to log in to access the registration form. To trigger this feature, go to the Event Control Panel and click on Event Setup > Restrictions for the event in question. Choose the appropriate setting. You will only see the Restrictions tab if you are using the Registrant Database module.
Invalid PW message
If a registrant with a database record can't remember password information, they can click on the link and enter their email address. If the email address is correct, the system will automatically send the log-in information. If they put in an invalid email address, you can customize a message suggesting what they should do next.
New Registrant Message
This new account message is delivered automatically once a person sets up a new account. This notifies the registrant that the account has been created successfully. It is in addition to any event message such as confirmation or wait list emails.
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