Create registration form questions at the account level which can then be used for global reporting. You can also create relationships between global questions in which available responses to a question appear on the form based on registrant responses to a prior question, e.g. state followed by city.
To activate the Global Registration Question feature in your account go to Application >Account > Features and select Global-Questions then Save Changes.
Steps for setting up global questions
- Go to Application > Global Questions > Registration Questions to begin creating your questions.
- Click “Add Registration Question”.
- Choose a question type. Most common types are:
Text Box Questions
Check Box and Radio Button Questions - Follow the wizard steps to add the functionality such as fees, discounts, and setting limits. It is highly recommended to always say Yes to Limits when prompted. Fees, discounts, limits functionality cannot be added to a question structure if not selected in the original question creation.
- For Check Box or Radio Button type Questions response options can be added for registrants to select. (If there are a large number of options to add, use the "Import Options" button at the top of the screen to use the import template provided.)
- Once global questions have been created, they can be added to event registration forms.
- In an event, select Registration Form in the control panel. On the Registration Form select Add a Question > Add a Global Question. The list of global questions appears.
- Click “Select” to add a question to the registration form.
- Some basic choices such as Required, Not Required can be updated at the event level, however, editing options are limited at this level. Changes can be made at the Application level, but those changes would affect any existing registrations which use that global question.
How to retroactively convert existing event level questions to global questions
- Go to an event.
- Go to Registration Form.
- Click “Edit” for any question that is not currently a global question.
- Click “Convert to Global Question”.
- On the next screen, choose which events using that question should show up in system level/global reporting.
If a question or its options are slightly different in any event because of a typo or other reason, it will not appear on the list of events to globalize. After correcting the difference at the event level, click on the Events link in the Global Question Templates section. Within the event, you can also click the "Convert to Global Question" button to add the event's question to the global list.
Generating Global reports
- Go to Reports > Global Question on the top menu.
- Access a global registration question report.
- Select the appropriate filters and output method in the top section, then select information to be included from the list.
- The global registration questions appear near the bottom of the page.
- Select the global questions to be included in the report by clicking the green plus sign. Remove any by clicking the minus sign.
- Generate Report.
Creating question relationships
Create relationships between questions so that the options for the second question are filtered based on answers to the first one. Questions used in Relationships must be configured as dropdown lists.
Activate the Global Registration Question feature including Question Relationships at
Application >Account > Features and select Global-Questions and also Global-Question-Relationships then Save Changes.
Video View the video on creating question relationships and how to import options and relationships
- Under Application > Global Questions > Registration Question, create the first registration question, e.g. regions or school districts. This must be a radio button/drop-down list type question.
- Create the follow-up question that has all the possible answers. For example, for regions, set up a question that says “Cities” and then list all the cities for all regions. For school districts, for example, set up a second question called “Schools” and then list as options all the possible schools in every school district listed on the previous question. This must be a radio button/drop-down list type question.
- On the main screen of global question templates, click the “Relationships” button and then “Add Relationship”. Name the relationship to create, such as “Regions to Cities” or “Districts to Schools”.
- Choose the primary question, such as Region.
- Choose the secondary question to relate to it, such as City. This means that once the registrant chooses a region, they will see a dropdown list only of those cities in that region.
- Click “Manage Relationships” to associate the appropriate options on the second question with the options in the first question, e.g. all schools within a specific district.
- In the example below, the cities are connected to their associated regions so that when a registrant chooses a region, only the cities in that region will appear on the cities dropdown list.
- The questions are then ready to be added to an event’s registration form.
- Add both the primary and secondary questions to the registration form just like normal. If you only want the second question to appear once the first question is answered, you can link them as well. How to Create a Conditional Logic Question.
- When both questions are added to a registration form, the system will use the relationships that have been set up with those two questions. Any time they appear on the same form, they will be related.
Choose the questions to be used in the relationship and then click "Manage Relationship."
Choose the relationships.
Registrant's view
Import Relationships
Relationships between primary and secondary options can be imported by clicking Import Relationships and using the provided template to upload a spreadsheet of all relationships.
Note: Only one relationship set up per question is allowed. You cannot use a Primary Global Question selection or Secondary Global Question again if it is already used in another relationship.
How to convert existing questions to global questions
- Access an event’s menu.
- Go to Registration Form (or Evaluation Form).
- Click “Edit” for any question that is not currently a global question.
- Click the “Convert to Global Question” button.
- On the next screen, choose which events using that question should show up in system level/global reporting.
If a question or its options are slightly different in any event because of a typo or other reason, it will not appear on the list of events to globalize. After correcting the difference, click the "Convert to Global Question" button to add the event's question to the global list. You will also have the chance to add it via the Global Question Templates section of Application > Global Questions > Global Registration Questions.
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