Event Notification Templates
- These are accessed ONLY when you click the Create New Event button at the top of the Events screen that you see when you log in.
- Existing events, and copies made from existing events, are NOT affected by changes made to these templates.
Application > Templates > Event Notification Templates
This utility is for modifying the default notification message set up in your new account that are accessed only when you click the Create New Event button.
General Tab - In the field provided, enter the default name that will appear in the "From" box of all email notifications.
Default email notifications are created using a text editor. See the screenshot below for an example of what a notification email will look like created in the editor. You can use the Tags at the right of the text editor to place information automatically in the message. Click on the spot in the message where you want the Tag to appear, and then click on the appropriate Tag. If you need help using a text editor, please visit the Using Text Editors help page.
Confirmation - Create a notification that will be sent to confirm a participant's registration for an event. Be sure to include contact information in the email in case a registrant has any questions.
Wait to Confirmation - A registrant originally on the wait list will receive this message when confirmed, rather than the regular confirmation message. If your organization does not use the wait list option then it is not necessary to create a wait to confirmation notification.
Wait list Message - Inform a registrant that they have been placed on a wait list due to an event that has already reach its limit of participants. If your organization does not use the wait list option then it is not necessary to create a wait list notification.
Cancellation Message - Inform a participant that their registration for an event has been cancelled at the participant's request. This message may also be used to notify all registrants of a particular event that their event has been cancelled.
Evaluation Message - Invite a participant to fill out a post-event evaluation form online. This message will include a link to the form. Responses appear in evaluation reports found within each Event's Reports section.
Approval Message - If registrants need to be individually approved by a specific person in order to attend an event, this notification may be sent to that person requesting an approval for a specific participant.
Pending Approval Message - If a registrant needs approval to attend an event, this notification may be sent to the registrant informing them that approval of their participation has been requested.
These are default messages. When creating a new event you may customize email notifications for that specific event if needed under Notifications.
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