Event Setup > Advanced > Registration Approval
Registration Approval
If registration for an event requires approval for each registrant, check the "Required"
option next to "Require Registration Approval"
1. Registrant prompted to approval address: A field will be added to the registration
form in which the registrant types in the approver's email address.
2. Registrant selects from event list of approvers: {Click Here to Edit List} to
create a list of names and email addresses that registrants can choose from.
3. Use one address for all registrants: This may be an internal email address, should
an administrative user be assigned to approve registrants, perhaps based on when
a check is received.
4. Registrant selects from account list of approvers: This is a global list of names
and email addresses created in Application > Advanced > Approval Lists. If changes
are made to the list, they will affect all events using that list.
The registrant will receive an email saying that their registration awaits
approval. The approver will receive an email with a link to the event description,
plus links to either accept or decline the registration. See Notifications for customizing
these messages. Once the approver takes action, the registrant will receive the appropriate
Once the registrant completes the process, he or she will see this message:
Your registration has been processed and will be confirmed once approval has been
granted. Until your approval has been processed your name will remain on the wait
If registrants pay by credit card, cards will not be charged until the registration
is approved.
Approval Lists
Create a list of approvers which can be applied to multiple events under Application
> Advanced > Approval Lists. If changes to the list of approvers are required, they
can be made at the system level, and applied globally to all affected events, rather
than event by event.
Once created, the approval list will appear as a dropdown option in Event Setup >
Advanced > Registration approval.
Approval Process Setup
In the event under Event Setup > Advanced:
When a registrant completes the registration form, the approver (above) will receive an email.
You will want to review each of these notification messages and edit the contents as desired under Event Setup > Notifications:
Approval Request (to the approver)
Pending (to the registrant)
Declined (to the registrant)
Under Reports (green top) > Registration > Registration Summary Custom
Process of approval and the states of those requests and how Learning Stream displays this information:
• Using the process outlined, the registrant submits the registration form. At this point, their registration status is Wait List and their Approval Status is Pending.
- The approver is sent an email requesting approval. The email contains an Approve Registration link and a Decline Registration link, which the approver will use. If the approver is an administrator, the admin can edit that registrant’s form and click a button labeled Approve Registration. Note: There is not a Decline button here, so the admin will need to use the decline link in the approval request email they receive.
• The registrant is sent an email regarding pending approval
• The approver:
- Approves the request – the registrant status is Confirmed and they receive an email indicating that they are confirmed. Their Approval Status is Approved.
- Declines the request – the registrant status is Cancelled and they receive an email indicating that their request has been declined and their registration is cancelled. They are also instructed to talk to the approver if they have any questions. Their Approval Status is Declined.
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