Merge Records
It is possible for persons with the same name to have records in the database. Should
separate records represent the same person, you can merge them into one record.
Determine which record you want to keep and retain the information from – this will
be your DESTINATION database registrant record.
Determine which record you want to discard and will be transferring the information
from (this will be your SOURCE database registrant record), to the DESTINATION database
registrant record
In the SOURCE database registrant record, select Merge Account:
A message will display:
Click Continue
You will then be provided a list of database records. Locate the record that you want
to move the information to. Click [Select] on this DESTINATION database registrant
record row.
You will see a screen like this:
Review this information to confirm that the SOURCE and DESTINATION database registrant
records are correct.
Click Merge Registrant Information
The SOURCE record no longer exists and the DESTINATION record now contains all the
Accidental Merge of 2 Database Records
Once a merge has been performed it cannot be undone. The only solution would be to create a new database record for the record that no longer exists and register that new record into the events that they were registered in previously. This would be required if it is necessary to put the history of the record that no longer exists back into place. This example will be referred to as Smith in this article.
The basic contact information and global question responses that were removed during the merge cannot be recovered. Looking at the responses in Smith’s historical registration forms might help you piece together the information that was previously stored in Smith’s database record.
You would need to cancel all of Smith’s prior registrations in each event. You can find those past registrations using this report: Reports>Search>Registration Search. Enter the last name, then remove the default “Start Date”. That will find all registrations with that last name. Then go to each event and cancel those registrations.
After you cancel the registration in an event, you can then register Smith again using the new database record. The basic steps are:
1. Create a new database record for Smith
2. Open an event that Smith registered in previously
3. Turn off delivery in the message center for the event, because emails will be generated for the next steps, and you probably don’t want those going out.
4. In that event, cancel the existing Smith registration.
5. Register Smith using the new database record
6. Repeat steps 2-6 for each registration.
If there are payments associated with those past registrations, after you cancel them, there will be credits due. You can use the transfer credit option to transfer that credit into the new registration after Smith is reregistered into the event.
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