Overview: This utility allows you to keep a general record of all the registrants who have signed up for any of your organization's events. It also gives you the ability to give them member IDs so that they may later log in as a member.
By default, all database records will automatically appear in the main database listing view, unless you have a large number of records. If you have 700+ records the records will not appear for performance loading reasons. If that is the case you will need to use the search options on that page to look for registrant records.
You can set the records so that they do not automatically load by going to Application > Account > Parameters > Miscellaneous. Modify "Auto Load DB List" to "No". By doing this, you can type in the record you want to find, rather than waiting for all to appear.
Click Customize List to choose the information you want to appear. In addition to first and last name, columns can include key contact information and global question responses tied to the database.
How to Edit a User Profile
Select the [Edit] option next to a registrant's name on the database list. You can then edit anything in their record, or you can choose to view the events attended, or any continuing education credits they have earned. You can change the status of a user's account from Active to Inactive.
How to Add a New Registrant
New registrants are not automatically entered into the database when they sign up for an event unless you require them to provider a user ID and password. In and event under Event Setup > Restrictions, you can select the option to require a login for registration and allow the registrant to create an account in the database. You can also enter a record manually through the database.
To add a new record to the Database, click on New Registrant. A form will appear on the screen.
- Status - If an account is Inactive*, the registrant will not be able to access it.
- Registrant ID- Assign the user an ID. This is optional; you will not see the field when creating a new record.
- Name- Enter the registrant's first, middle, and last names in these three fields.
- Login ID- Assign the user a login ID. This can be the registrant's email address.
- Password/Require Password Change- Assign the user a password and then optionally require the registrant to change it during the first login.
Even if the account has a password, the password field will be blank as it is encrypted. Use the password field only to create a new password for a registrant. Once you save changes to the record, the password will be masked. Passwords must be:
- At least eight (8) characters
- Include at least one number.
- May not contain the work 'Password'
Neither an administrator nor a registrant can retrieve a password. Registrants can use the "forgot password" link on the event log-in screen to re-set their password. They'll receive an email with a temporary link to create a new password.
If you create a password for a registrant, you can provide it to them by using the Email Login Information option in their account under Account > Email Login Information. They'll will be required to change the password within 24 hours.
- Require Password Change- If you create a temporary password, you can require the registrant change it on first log-in.
- Email Address- Enter the registrant's email address here. If you want the email address and login ID to be the same, activate the "Use Email Address as Login ID" option in Database Setup. In such a case, the email address field would not appear.
- Address- Enter the user's street address information in these fields.
- Resend new account welcome message- Each new registrant receives a welcome message via email (in addition to any event message such as confirmation or wait list emails). Under Application > Database > Database Setup on the New Registrant Message tab, you can customize this message. You may resend the welcome message at any time to an individual by checking the box and saving the changes. The "Resend" checkbox will not appear at the bottom of registrants' records if you have not set up a new registrant message, including subject line.
Global questions can also be added to a registrant's record.
Registrants assigned to the account
Even though they have their own accounts, registrants can be assigned to another person's account either by way of the shopping cart, or by a Learning Stream administrator. Assignment automatically occurs via the shopping cart if a person, such as a supervisor, registers all of his or her reports at the same time.
Depending on the overall account settings there are options that may/may not appear in a database record in the vertical buttons on the left:
History - will display registrations and attendance
Financial - if there are fees associated with registrations this will display with additional information
Education - Continuing Education history will display if applicable
Cart Login and RAM Login admin access if applicable
Some important functionality within the database record is located under Account:
Reset Password (can also be changed from the main registrant account page)
Email login Information
If you create a database record internally, or update the login information, click this button to trigger an email to the registrant that contains the new/updated login and password reset link.
Merge Account
It is possible for persons with the same name to have records in the database. Should separate records represent the same person, you can merge them into one record. See Merge
Update Registrations
If a person already in the database uses a new address, for example, when registering for an event, it is possible to update that person's information in all other events in which the person previously registered.
Stored Data - If the database setting is used to Store Registration Responses, the registrant's previously provided responses will display here.
* Cancel or Keep Registrations Associated with Inactive Database Records
Database > Edit Database Record > change Status to Inactive
When making a DB record Inactive, you will see a prompt that gives you the choice to Cancel or Keep any Future Registrations associated with that record.
See also Registrant Database
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