Video Creating Registration Questions
Schedule Appointment Times - This provides a shortcut when creating a long list of appointment choices on a registration form. This can be useful when setting up a series of choices that are five or ten minutes apart, for example. Rather than entering each time choice individually, you can quickly add all options by inputting the start and end times for the entire range.
When setting up a new question, choose the option that says 'Create from a question template (Appointment Times, Course Series, Notification Number)'. On the next screen, you will see 'Schedule Appointment Times'. When clicking on that link, you will be prompted to put in the appropriate date and time information, as well as the interval between each appointment and spaces available ("Max per Appointment").
When you click "Create Question", you will see a question with completed options similar to the one below. You can make adjustments as needed.
If using the Outlook Schedule link on notifications, the specific appointment time can be added to the registrant's Outlook calendar. See "Scheduling Options" under Notifications.
Course Series - If a class occurs on multiple dates and/or times, you can include each date/time as an option on one registration form. Using this feature allows registrants to select which individual dates/times they will attend. Dates/times must first be set up under Event Setup > General. See "Additional Dates: {Click Here to Setup Additional Calendar Dates}". Do not use the Course Series option if registrants must attend all dates/times of the event. Sign-in sheets for each date will also be generated.
The option text will default to the dates/times entered in Event Setup. Otherwise, the option fields will contain descriptions entered in the additional dates page of Event Setup.
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