Event Setup > Financials
Basic Cost Setup - Use this section primarily if there is a flat fee for the event. If there are several different fees involved, you will want to associate fees with registration question responses on the registration form. Event Registration Questions
Cost per Participant - Type in the flat fee for each participant for the event. If you will have multiple registration fee levels, those may be best handled via registration form questions.
Discount Codes - If there is a special discount for certain registrants, such as employees or members, click on the link for "Discount Codes" and enter the code(s) and discount(s). Make the codes anything you want as long as you provide them to the appropriate registrants ahead of time. The codes are not case-sensitive. For "Display Prompt," enter what you want the field to say on the registration form. The percentage or amount of the discount is how much you will deduct from the regular price.
Early Discount on or Before: By default, discounts can be applied to any registration. However, you can set a deadline for using a discount code, or have two discount levels based on date.
Redemption Limit: You may limit discount code use to a set number of registrations.
After the redemption limit is reached, subsequent registrants attempting to use the code will see a message that the discount is no longer available.
In this example, the first 30 registrations using the discount will receive a $15 discount through September 3rd, and a $10 discount after September 3rd.
If checking the "Administrative Use Only" box, the discount code field can be viewed internally, via forms in the Registration Listing, similar to an internal question. The registrant will not see the discount code field. This is so that only an administrator can apply a discount to a registration.
Discount Policy
This policy is for individual events and is not the same as the Cart Discount Policy.
Use the event discount policy feature to handle complex pricing scenarios connected to registration questions. For example, allow registrants to receive a discount if they choose a minimum number of options. Or set up a discount if registrants choose a predetermined set of options.
In the example below, registrants will receive 10% off when choosing to attend both days of an event. This is not the same as a cart discount policy. Both days would have to be options on the registration form and would have to be selected by the registrant.
In the discount policy example below, a discount level (or more) has been created under Admin > Discounts > Discount Level. If the registrant's database record shows they are a lifetime member, the registrant will receive a ten percent discount.
Additionally, the registrant will receive five percent off if registering before the designated date. The early discount will be applied to the original price in this case, because "use discount policy pre-rule balance" is selected. To apply the early discount to the total after the member discount has been subtracted, choose the cumulative discount option.
The discount does not have to be tied to a question on the registration form, because it's already tied to an answer in the registrant database.
If the event has a validation list, you can apply discounts to registrants on the list.
Video Validation List Setup
Payment Information
Choose the method(s) of payment that you will accept for the event. The choices are Bill/Cash/Other, Purchase Order, Credit Card, Credit, or payment via PayPal (or another external payment option).
Video PayPal Payment Standard
Radio buttons at the bottom of the registration form will be added for each payment method you select. However, if you select only the credit card option, for example, the system will automatically take the registrant from the form to the credit card information screen.
When choosing the "Bill/Cash/Other" option, you must fill in the "Option Label" field to specify which of the three you are accepting. By default, this will say Bill Me.
You can allow registrants who pay by credit card to initially pay only a portion of the full amount. (See"Deposit Rules" below). If you choose to accept deposits, you can include a Tag called [PayBalance Link] in the confirmation and custom notifications. A registrant can click on the link to pay a balance due via credit card.
Deposit Rules
Access the link "Click here to set up deposit rules" to create deposit rules by amount or percentage for the entire event, or for any question on a registration form that has a fee associated with it. This feature must be enabled in your account by support.
The Standard Deposit charges a flat deposit amount, or a percentage of the total charges, for an event. The Itemized Deposit option allows you to choose a different deposit fee for each part of the total registration amount.
If you check the box to require credit card payment at the time of registration, it means the registrant will have to pay the deposit by credit card, even if choosing to pay the balance by other means, such as check or PO.
If you apply a deposit rule to an event, registrants will not have the option to pay the full amount. The only exception is if the balance due is less than the deposit amount. This can occur when a form has itemized options with fees.
Early Registration Discounts
Enter any early registration discounts for participants who register before a certain date. In the "Register Before" field, enter the date that particular discount ends. In the "Discount percentage" field next to the date, enter the percentage amount that will be reduced from the original event fee, or use the "Discount Amount" field to enter a dollar amount.
Event Surcharge
Use the Surcharge option to add a fee in addition to the regular fee for the event. For example, you may want to charge registrants who do not register online, but rather mail in a form, and thereby have to be registered internally. In such a case, choose the Internal Registrations option.
Registrant Account Fee Rule: A charge, such as an annual fee, can be set up at the system level so that it will not apply every time a registration form is completed.
Accounting Information
If there is an account code you would like an event to be attached to, enter it into the "Account Code" field. This will allow you to connect the event to a certain account later in the Event Summary or customized reports.
Tracking Revenue and Fixed Costs - You can apply revenue and costs to accounts set up under Financial Accounts (Setup).
Reports for this information would be available under the Reports module for the event. Income items will appear on the reports once a registrant has paid. Fixed costs are applied once registrations are confirmed.
Invoice Terms
Type in specific payment terms that will appear on the registrant's financial statement. For example, "Payment Due in 30 Days."
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