Track continuing education credits earned by registrants. Continuing Education setup should be in place in your event before you begin accepting registrations.
- How to Add a CE Category - If registrants can earn continuing education credits by attending a class, you can add that option to the setup of your event. First, you must have added one or more CE Categories at Application > Basic Setup > CE Categories. What is added here will be available to apply to events at Event Setup>Continuing Ed. Click on "Add CE Category" and choose the [Select] option to the left of a category on the list. Once you have selected a category, you must enter how many credit hours/units, etc. participants will receive for the class. Then choose whether it will be optional for the registrant to receive credit, or if it will be automatically given to all participants. It's recommended to make CEs "Automatic". After you have done this, click on "Add Category."
- CEU ID Prompt - The CEU number can be any unique identifier, such as a member number. If you do not want to request this information, click the "No - Do not request" option. You can also make it optional or required.
*Note: This is a rarely used option for most customers. - Education Credit Prompt - Enter a display prompt that appear on the registration form if tracking CEUs is not automatic. The default prompt is "Request Education Credit" but can be changed at any time.
*Note: We recommend that you set your CEUs to Automatic instead of Optional. If set to Automatic, this "Education Credit Prompt" is not used.
At any time you may edit or remove a continuing education category by choosing the [Edit] or [Remove] options to the left of the category.
Multiple CEU types can be applied to a registration form.
If you add, remove or edit the CEU setup after the registration process has begun, use the "Recalc CEUs" button to update any existing registrations.
Continuing education credits can also be tied to question options on the registration form.
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