Under Admin > Discounts > Global Discount Codes
Create discount codes that can be managed from one location for multiple events.
Global Codes can be assigned to individual events in Event Setup > Financial then click the link that says click to setup discount codes and click Assign Global Codes to add new codes.
Discount Code field - Enter the code registrants will use when they request the discount. The code cannot be changed once it has been used on a submitted registration form.
Type - Will the discount be applied to an individual form, or will it be applied at checkout for multiple registrations?
Allow Event Level Changes - If checked, options on this screen can be overridden at the event level.
Administrative Use Only - Discounts can only be applied by an administrator and not by a registrant.
Discount Code Category - Create special categories to aid in the management of codes within the category.
Standard Discount - Will the discount be a percentage or an amount of the fee?
Early Discount - Enter a percentage or amount to allow an additional discount based on the registration date. The early discount should be the total. For example, if the standard discount is $20, enter $40 if you want a registrant to receive an additional $20 discount for registering by a certain date.
Redemption Limit - If left blank, the discount code can be used an unlimited number of times during its active period.
Limit Type
- Redemption limit by event - per event this code can be used the number of times entered in the Redemption Limit field. If the code is assigned to 5 events and the Redemption limit is set to 1, this means that the code can be used 1 time in each of those 5 events or a total of 5 times.
- Redemption limit across all events - this code can be used the number of times entered in the Redemption Limit field. If the code is assigned to 5 events and the Redemption limit is set to 1, this means that the code can be used 1 time only. The first event that the code is redeemed in sets the code to invalid for usage in the remaining 4 events.
Code Expiration - There is no discount expiration date if these fields are left blank.
If you have fees tied to registration questions, check the "discount applies" for each one for which you want the discount triggered.
Assign Code
Discount Codes can be assigned to or removed from multiple events from one screen. To select a group of events that do not share a status or event category, choose "Manually assign/remove".
Discount Code Categories (not the same as event categories)
Create these categories to help manage sets of events. You can enable or disable all discount codes in a category without having to go into each code setup.
To enable or disable, go to Code Categories > [Edit] for a code category > Manage Codes:
You can Assign or Unassign Code Categories to an entire Event Category.
Go to Code Categories > [Edit] for a code category > Assign:
Select either Assign Codes or Unassign Code then select the Event Category in the drop-down, and click Assign or Unassign Codes.
Discount Code Upload
If you have many codes, upload them using the provided template.
- Download the template.
- Enter the basic discount information in the template and tie it to a category.
You can upload the following:
- discount code
- percentage or amount
- use limit
- discount code category name
- code type (event or cart)
- expiration date and time
If no expiration time is specified on the upload, it will default to 11:59:59 p.m.
- Upload the spreadsheet.
- After a successful upload, the codes will appear in "Global Discount Codes" and "Discount Code Categories".
Discount Levels
Use this feature to tie discounts to global registration responses in the Registrant Database. For example, you may want to apply a discount to members without asking for membership status during event registration.
- Global question tied to the database
- Event requiring registrant database
- Add a discount level, labeling it so you can identify it later when you need to connect it to an event. For example, "Annual Member."
- Assign global question responses to the level. You'll see a list of all global questions tied to the database when you select "Add Global Question." If you don't see the question you want, you'll have to add it in Application > Database > Database Setup> DB Questions.
- Once you choose the question, you can select the question response that will receive the discount. Multiple answers can receive a discount, and you can set up multiple discount levels. (Actual discount amounts are determined at the event level.)
To apply the level(s) you created, go to Event Setup > Financial and add a Discount Policy.
Global Discount Usage Report
Run reports on discount code activity by detail (which registrants have used which codes) and summary (discount quantities and amounts).
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