Viewing Registrant Details
In an event, the Registrant Listing page is a listing of all individuals and groups registered for the event, and the amount of money due from each one. To view more specific, detailed payment information, select the $ option next to a name. At the top of the details page, the registrant's name and email will be listed, along with the total charges for that specific registrant, their total payment, and the amount due. The specific items the registrant is being charged for (answers to registration questions) will be listed separately along with their cost and the date on which the total amount due was updated.
Invoice Number: Learning Stream can automatically add unique invoice numbers for chargeable events. Each registration creates a unique ID number that can also serve as an invoice number. With system administrator rights, you can activate this feature by going to Application > Account > Parameters in the Financial section then select "Allow invoice number assignment".
You also can manually assign your number invoice by invoice, if this option is activated. You will see a link next to the Invoice number where you can insert the number.
If the registrant has generated credit (such as a canceled registration), you will see a Transfer Credit button which allows you to transfer all or part of the possible refund amount to another event and registrant.
Selecting the [View] option on the details page allows you to view how much money is owed by the registrant for that event, as well as to type in comments about the transaction.
Entering a Payment
If you are accepting credit card payments using the system's normal process, such payments will be reflected automatically. If a registrant has made a payment and it needs to be entered into the system, click on "Enter Payment." This will bring up a screen listing several payment options. Select the registrant's form of payment and click on "Continue."
A new form will appear with the registrant's name, event, and amount due at the top. Under that is listed the Transaction type, which is a payment, and the payment method, which may be any of the above choices.
- Reference - This field may be used for a check number, or any other reference number needed to track the payment.
- Amount - The amount being paid in the transaction.
- Comments - Any comments about the transaction may be typed into this field.
The form for a credit card payment will include these fields:
- Card Type - Choose from a drop-down list of accepted credit card types.
- Card Number - Enter the credit card number in this field.
- Expiration Month - The month the card expires.
- Expiration Year - The year the card expires.
- First and Last Name - Enter the first and last name as it appears on the credit card.
To refund a credit card, click on the [Refund] link next to the credit card payment. Next, enter the amount of the refund and process the refund.
Refunds may not be accepted on transactions older than 90 days depending on your financial institution. If a credit card payment is less than 24 hours old, the system may attempt to void the transaction instead of issuing a refund. This is required because the transaction may not have settled with your merchant account. Therefore, a refund would not process correctly.
Entering a Charge or Adjustment
If a registrant has incurred a new charge or needs an adjustment on a payment, click on the "Enter Adjustment." button. This will bring up a form with the registrant's information at the top. The second half of the form will show the transaction type as a "Charge/Adjustment." The next three fields should be filled out as follows:
- Amount - Enter either the amount of the new charge or the amount of the adjusted charge in this field. If the registrant has been charged too much, enter a minus sign before the amount and it will be deducted from the amount due.
- Description - Enter a description of the new charge, or why the original charge is being adjusted.
- Comments - Enter any comments about this transaction in this text box.
Viewing/Email Statement
In addition to viewing the most recent statement for a registrant, you can email it. Send the latest statements to all registrants from the main Payment Confirmation screen.
If financial accounts have been created, and if the Expense/Budgeting module has been activated under Event Setup > General > Budget/Expense will be added to the Financial menu.
Options at the bottom of the screen:
New Transaction: Use this option to input dollars generated or spent. The amounts will be applied against anything in the budget for the option. In the example above, $495 was applied to the $500 room rental budget.
Budget item: Add budget items for income or expenses. The speaker's fee is a $300 budget item. If you chose a template, you may already have all the budget items needed. If the template allows budget-level changes, you may add other items to it.
Select Budget Template: You can choose a template created under Application > Financial > Budget Templates. If you have no template, you can build a budget just for the event by using the New Transaction and New Budget Item links.
Click on Budget to change the budget amount for an item. Click on Details to add a transaction, such as the actual amount of income generated from registration fees, or the actual expense associated with Internet Access.
Find reports for Expense/Budget items under Reports for the event. Choose Expense/Budget from the Report Categories dropdown list.
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