Create a Custom Message
See the related article called Notifications
Overview: Create a custom message that can be sent out to all registrants, or to
a filtered group of registrants.
1) On the event menu, go to Message Center > Custom.
2) Click "New Custom Notification" at the top of the screen. (There is also a Copy
Notification button, which allows you to select a particular event's custom notification,
to copy into the event that you are working in)
3) On the next screen, you will see two options:
a) Basic Notification: Choose this option to send a custom message to a broad group
of registrants, such as all registrants, all confirmed registrants, wait list, etc.
b) Notification Sent Based on Question Response: Choose this option to limit the
email list based on answers to questions on the registration form. For example, the custom
message could be based on the breakout sessions that registrants select.
The Basic Notification options look like this:
Selecting the Notification Sent Based on Question Response option takes you to
the question and response selections first:
After the selection of a question and response, the options look like this:
4) Once you have selected the notification type, you can see a text editor with multiple
options for further filtering the list of recipients, as well as when the message
should be delivered.
5) Choose a Delivery Type
Delivery Options
Save as a Draft: Create the message and then determine later when you want to send
it. -
Immediately Delivery: Once the required fields are completed and the message
is saved, the system will place it in the queue for delivery with all other pending
email. -
Scheduled Delivery: Set up a time and date for the message to be delivered later.
The system will send the email at the prescribed time. -
Days Before the Event Start: Rather than pick a date, you can choose to have a message
sent several days prior to the event. This information, including the message,
will also be copied if you copy a past event or template. If scheduling an email
to go out one day before the event, for example, it will be delivered approximately
24 hours before the event start time. If no event start time is entered in
the system, the email will be delivered just after midnight (eastern time) the day
before the event. If your event is set up for multiple dates in the system, this
email will go before the start date only. - Click on the word Before and it will switch to After.
Days After the Event Start: Rather than pick a date, you can choose to have a message
sent several days after the event. This information, including the message, will
also be copied if you copy a past event or template. If scheduling an email to go
out one day after the event, for example, it will be delivered approximately 24 hours
after the event start time. If there is no event start time entered in the system,
the email will be delivered just after midnight (eastern time) the day after the
event. If your event is set up for multiple dates in the system, this email will
go after the start date only. -
Send Message when Registrant is:
This option allows you to automatically send a custom message as soon as a person registers, is added to the wait list, or cancels, rather than basing delivery on a future date or manually emailing a group. For example, the message could be used to send additional class information to late registrants as they sign up.
6) Choose a Group of Recipients
- Send Message To (choosing a group of recipients) - The custom message can be sent to all registrants, or to a sub-group of registrants. All messages will come from an alias email address such as You can also choose individual registrants to receive your message. If you wish to use your email system, however, you can bring up the email address of all registrants to be copied and pasted into your email browser.
Registrants with Balance Due - If you allow group registrations and a group has
a balance due, only the group contact will receive the custom notification. -
All Facilitators - If you use the Instructor module, you can email all instructors
with bios associated with the event. - Enter a list of email addresses - this tool allows you to enter email addresses one at a time into the overall message list. Once you add an email you will see it in the drop-down list that is accumulating for this message.
7) Create Your Custom Message
Type your message within the text editor, using the Tags in the right column where
appropriate. Click "Save Notification" at the bottom when you have completed the
PayBalance Link
You may have allowed registrants to pay a deposit during registration. You may also
have allowed them to make changes to their forms, resulting in additional fees. If
you accept credit cards, you can include the Tag [PayBalance Link] in the custom
notification. If a registrant owes money, he or she can click on the link in the
email to make the additional payment. The registrant will see a screen like the one
A registrant can also pay an outstanding balance via the Registrant Access Module,
if applicable.
Question Tags
Custom Question Tags will be available for notifications if you have set up the Tags
when creating questions. See Check Box and Radio Buttons under Event Setup/Registration
Form. These Tags can help provide registrants with more information such as
the time and place of breakout sessions. After setting up the Tags, you will see
an expandable list added to the other Tags. Click on it to see a list of all questions
and answers that have Tags associated with them for the event.
Click on each one to place it in the proper spot on the notification message, just
as you would other Tags.
You can paste text from other applications into the Learning Stream text editor.
However, it's best to make changes after the text has been pasted into the text editor.
If you already have a typed document you want to copy, paste it as plain text. That
will strip the text of any extraneous characters that could affect formatting.
Do not copy and paste links from other event pages or notifications. Doing so will
not ensure links go to the right place. Instead, use the "Copy Notification" feature
on the main Notifications screen.
Automatic emails, such as confirmation messages and reminders, are a key component
of Learning Stream. Please consider your organization's security risk standards when
choosing certain functionality. Information about registrants can be included in
communications to them and may be accessible to others.
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