Bulk register groups based on their answers to a global question. For example, all persons in the marketing department can be simultaneously registered for an event by an admin user.
- Use the global question template function under Application > Global Question > Registration Questions to create a global question with option lists that use checkboxes, radio buttons, or a dropdown list. Any other type of question will not work.
- Tie the global question to each person's database record under Application > Database > Database Setup ("DB Questions"). The question must be answered in the registrant's account.
- Activate the bulk registration feature in Application > Account > Features > Bulk Registration.
- Go to the event and click on "Registrations." Click "New Group Registration from the DB". (The event must use the Registrant Database to see this button. See Restrictions in Event Setup. Login Required must be turned on.)
- Groups can be chosen by first selecting the "owner" of a registrant account, such as a supervisor or head of the family. Or you can make selections based on options chosen on a person's record, such as department or title.
If choosing parent/manager, the following screen will look like this. You would next see all persons tied to the account owner.
When choosing responses based on database questions, you will see this screen next. It will show a list of all DB questions you have created.
- In the example below, the question "Department" has been selected. The administrator wants to select persons from one or more departments.
- Once you select the first criteria, you can register the persons selected. You can repeat the process to select another group for registration.
- Add Criteria- You can further filter a group, e.g. all science teachers at a school, by using the "Add Criteria. You'll be taken back to the first "Select Registrants" screen to filter again.
And get something like this...
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