If you postpone an event for which there are already confirmed registrants, you can change the date and trigger an email to them to have them reconfirm their availability for the new date.
Under Event Setup > General, look for a link to the right of the fields for Event Start Date and Time, which says "Click here to change date/time and reconfirm".
When you click on the link, you will see a text editor in which you can put in your postponement message.
Click "Preview Message" to view the message. The email will also include links recipients can click on to reconfirm, cancel, or view information about the event. A registrant will not be reconfirmed unless he or she clicks the link.
When ready, click the "Process Request" button.
The message will not yet be activated until you confirm your request on the next screen. You must click "Process Request"(located at the bottom) to initiate delivery.
If some registrants do not respond to the initial message, you can re-send a message just to that group by checking the right of the "Enter New Start Date" field.
You can also change only the time of the event by changing the start time under Event Setup > General and then sending the re-confirmation email with the same date.
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