Transferring a registration
It is possible to transfer a registration from one event to another current or past event.
1) On the Registrations list in an event, edit the person's registration form.
2) Click the Transfer link at the bottom of the form.
3) When clicking the Transfer option, a list of available events will appear. At the same time, upon clicking the Transfer button, the registration that you are working on will immediately become canceled.
4) Click the "Select" link for the event to which the registration will be transferred.
5) Complete the transfer by clicking the Transfer Registration link. A canceled registration will be kept in the original event. The registrant will receive a cancellation message for the original event and a confirmation for the second one.
If there is additional, or different, information required of the registrant for the new event beyond basic contact information, it must be completed manually. If the events are tied to the Registrant Database, however, the system will attempt to populate all fields that are similar to each event.
The transfer has been completed even if you do not save changes to the form. However, additional information will be incomplete if changes are not saved.
Registrants cannot transfer themselves to another event, even if you provide a link to their form via their confirmation email. Also, groups, or members of groups, cannot be transferred.
To transfer money already paid by the registrant for the first event, view the fee information attached to the canceled registration and click the [Transfer Credit] button.
Choose Select for the correct event on the next screen and then choose the appropriate registrant within the new event.
On the following screen, choose the amount of the credit to transfer. Credit can also be transferred from one registrant to another.
When transferring money to a new event, you will see a list of all current and past events with registrants that have outstanding balances. You will not see events with no outstanding balances or those that have been archived.
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