Create listings or calendars that display your classes. When setting up a class registration, you can assign it to one or more categories. It is possible to have the class appear on one or more listing or calendar, depending on which categories are also assigned to the listings. For instance, if a class is categorized under New Employee Training as well as Respecting your Workmate, it could be listed on both the New Employee and HR calendars.
Create a new Calendar/Event Listing
Under Interface > Calendars and Listings click on the "New Event Calendar/Listing" button.
Calendar/Event Listing Header editor (top half of the screen)
Upload Image/Document button: Click this link to insert a graphic on your page. You'll be able to browse your computer for graphics. Follow the directions on the screen.
Event Links button: This is a shortcut to all links to the events you've created. You might use this feature if you want to bypass all the default views and listings offered by Learning Stream and create a completely customized listing.
The header contents that you enter in editor will display at the top of the calendar:
Display Option Settings (bottom half of the screen)
Listing Type
Learning Stream provides several view options for web pages:
Hide Event List: Use this option to hide your events on the listing.
Tile View by Date: Events display in a Tile View by Date order. See Calendar - Tile View Listing Type
Tile View by Title: Events display in a Tile View by Title order.
Event Listing by Month: This is a chronological listing of events. The listing will include the title, event date and teaser (if you're using one).
Event Listing by Title: An alphabetic listing of events. The date of the event will appear in the title.
Event Listing by Title - No Dates/Times: A simple display of events by title.
Calendar View: The calendar will begin with the current month. The titles will not include teasers.
Calendar View - 2: Slightly different calendar with forward/back arrows to click from current month rather than links to twelve months.
Calendar View - 3: Gives Sunday and Saturday their own boxes.
Category Select - Sort by Title: This is the same view as the Event Listing by Title. However, it will also include a dropdown list of all categories connected to the web page. (See "Connect Categories..." below.) The categories will appear in the list alphabetically. The events connected to the top category will always appear on screen first by default. If you want to control the positioning of categories, use numerals at the front of each one, such as "1 - all categories", "2 - technology classes", etc.
Category Select - Sort by Date w/ Time Column: The same as Event Listing by Month with a category dropdown list and includes a Time Column.
Category Select - Sort by Date: The same as Event Listing by Month with a category dropdown list.
RSS Feed - The RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Feed option gives registrants a way to find out quickly when new events are added to your listing by adding it to the Feeds tab of their browser. In Internet Explorer, this is found next to "Favorites". Go to How to create an RSS Feed for more information on to set up an RSS Feed.
XML File - This function enables you to re-purpose the listing/calendar data for use in your own calendar. If you assign a cart to an XML calendar, there’s a required field labeled Customer Listing URL where you have to supply the URL of your calendar page on your site that the cart returns to when the registrant clicks to register for another event. See also Calendar XML Overview
ICS Calendar Fee - With this setting, use the calendar link to add your events to Google and newer versions of Outlook calendars.
Show Events
Show Events provides these options to choose which events appear on the web pages:
Show only events accepting registration: If the registration start date for an event hasn't arrived yet, it will not appear.
Show all events that have not started: Events will appear even if the registration date has not started yet. The registration form link on the event will not be available.
List Options
Show remaining registrations: It looks like this on the Event Listing by Month view, but appear on all views except for the calendar.
Display events in a new window when the title is clicked: The listing/calendar remains open in a separate window.
Include event start times on calendar view: Do not appear by default on calendar.
Include location {Does not display on calendar view}: Adds a location column to listings that show dates.
Include option for registrant choose time zone: This will add a time zone dropdown list on the listing/calendar. All time-related Tags used on the event page, confirmation message, etc. will adjust the time shown.
Search Options
You can include a keyword search box at the top of the web page listing. If you choose the option to pre-load the events, no events will appear on the page until you search on a keyword. The exception would be if you also have a category dropdown list, in which case the events within the top category will appear.
The system will search any word contained within the title of the event, plus any event code. (You insert event codes under Event Setup for an event.)
Include location as search criteria: If you set up locations using the Location feature, in Application > Basic Setup, your locations can appear on a dropdown list. Registrants can then sort classes by location.
Event Code
The event code, which can be added as part of an event's Event Setup, will appear on a listing (not a calendar) and therefore can also be used as a search criterion.
Associate the calendar/listing with a shopping cart. Any cart will appear in the dropdown list.
Security Filter
Choose a security filter, designated by a range of IP addresses created under Security Filters, to limit access at the Calendar/Listing level to particular registrants, such as persons registering on employee computers.
Date Display Format
Choose US, European (dd/mm/yyyy) or ISO 8601 date formats (yyyy/dd/mm).
Use this link to access your webpage:
At the bottom of the form is the link to your new page and can be copied and pasted elsewhere such as your website to point registrants to your events listing.
QR Code - You can use QR (Quick Response) codes in printed materials, for example, to allow registrants to use their mobile devices to quickly access your calendar listing. The codes will point to the URL for the event or calendar. Clicking the QR Code link in Event Setup will bring up a window showing the link associated with the QR code, plus images of the QR code in small, medium and large sizes. QR Codes are also available in Event Setup.
Connect to Categories and Divisions
After you create a calendar, be sure to click on the [Categories] option to the left of the calendar title on the list and check any categories that calendar pertains to, and save your changes. You may preview the published calendar/listing at any time by choosing the [Preview] option next to the title.
Divisions: If your account has divisions, an option [Divisions] will display next to each of the calendars/listings. Select the divisions you want tied to a particular calendar. One major difference compared category assignment: If no divisions are selected, all divisions and events not assigned to a division will be included on the calendar.
Multiple Category dropdown lists
Create up to three category dropdowns on event listings. In the example below, a registrant could find all in-person beginning trainings in Louisville. This feature only works with Category Select Listing Types.
Video Creating Category Filters
How to set up multiple category filters:
Choose multiple categories when you set up an event. In the above example, you would choose at least Beginning Training, In Person and Louisville classes.
- On the top menu, go to Interface > Calendars and Listings.
- Go to [Categories] > Setup Selection Filters > Add Filter.
- Filter Label gives your category list a name.
- The priority determines the order of the dropdowns.
- Select the categories for each dropdown list.
Calendar Parameters (Control which category first populates the listing when clicked on.)
When a person clicks on a web link that takes them to the event listing, you can control which category filter shows up first.
If a person is interested in basic workshops, they can click a link called "basic workshops" that shows all basic workshops filtered on the event listing. (But they can still filter other category types, as well.)
You can create a link for each category.
Here's how:
Three parameters can be passed into the category select calendar URL to pre-populate the selected categories.
The parameters passed in via the URL are “cat1”, “cat2”, and “cat3”.
The value of the parameters will be a corresponding internal identifier (sid) of an Learning Stream event category.
Or, if multiple category filters are used...
If the calendar is not set up to use category filters, only the first “cat1” parameter will be recognized.
To find the internal identifier for each of the category types, click on Setup > Event Categories > [Edit]. When editing each of the event categories you can locate the internal identifier in the URL as follows:
The identifier above is 382. To automatically select that category you would then pass in the value 276 in the calendar URL using the cat1 parameter. Example: cat1=382
This feature only works with Category Select Listing Types.
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