Using the Instructor Dashboard
Instructors can access their assigned courses and have access to tasks from their dashboard.
1. Login:
1. Account ID
2. Login ID or email
3. Password
4. Forgot Password? link will email email your account information
2. Instructor's Dashboard
From your home page, you can:
1. Logout
2. Default tab shows Current Event(s). Click tabs to view Past Event(s), Event(s) that Need Attendance and Event(s) that Need Grading. View and print as an Excel or in PDF format. Search bar allows you to enter Course Name.
*Events stay on the Current Events page, both on the Admin side and the Instructor Module side, for 24 hours after the event start time. Then they move to Past events.
In addition, if the events had Additional Dates, they would remain in Current events until the Additional Dates passed.
Click on the menu button which consists of three parallel horizontal lines to display actions for the event.
3. Event Details
4. Sample of Roster
5. Sample of Sign-In Sheet
6. Email - Allow Instructors to send simple emails to their registrants directly from their Instructor Module.
Select the menu next to the event and choose 'Email'.
The instructor can choose to send an email to all registrants, or specific registrants.
The instructor can then create their email in the basic text editor and add any CCs they would like.
Registrant replies to these messages will not be sent to the instructor, nor will they see these responses in the Instructor Module. These replies will be forwarded to the Outgoing Email Account for Owned Events associated with the Event Owner assigned under Event Setup > General.
7. Name Tags (Sample) - Created by Admin and assigned to the course with layout format: Avery 5384 or Avery 5395
8. Attendance Page
9. Grading - Grades manually recorded for assignments assigned to an event in Learning Stream.
10. Sample of Certificates
11. Continuing Education - Sample
12. Registration Details - Sample - Report is in excel format. Contact Support if you are interested in adding this option for your instructors
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