Overview: Import a record of events attended/completed by students outside of Learning Stream. If you are interested in adding this feature to your account contact Learning Stream support.
Once this has been enabled in your account, you will be able to activate the feature under Application > Account > Features and activate "External Event Registration Import". Once activated:
- There will be an "External" radio button next to "Archived" on the Events Listing.
- When logging in to your account, you will view events by four status types: Not Posted, Current Events, Archive and External.
- Events with a registration process that occurred outside Learning Stream will appear under External Events, once attendance/completion information has been uploaded into the system.
To upload records
1. Go to Application > Imports> External History.
2. Click the link for the import template, which is an Excel spreadsheet, and save it to your computer.
3. Enter the pertinent registrant data in the fields provided
- Fields in red are required.
- The event start date is not required. If one is not present, the uploaded events will use the upload date as a default. Subsequent uploads for the same events also will use the original upload date as the event date.
- A category is not required. If one is included, however, it must match an existing category in the system.
- If a registrant does not already exist in the database, one will be created as part of this process.
- The system will match uploaded records by first and last name. The third matching criteria will either be the Registrant ID or the email address, depending on which one you choose to use.
- For the “attendance_confirmed” column, 1 = Yes
4. Upload the completed form.
5. You will see a screen like the one (History Import Summary) below if you have successfully entered the data in the template. If not, you will see a list of problems, such as missing data.
6. If all is correct, click to import the information into the database.
History Import Summary
To view an individual record
- Find a person’s record in the database.
- Click on “Registrations” on the left side.
- Choose current/future or past registrations.
- A list of all registrations will appear. A “*” will appear next to the title of any external events.
To view records in the Event Listing
- Click Events on the top navigation bar.
- Choose the External Events list.
- Click on the name of any external event to see its list of persons and attendance status.
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