Learning Stream Tile View Calendar Listing Type
Basic Setup
Under Interface > Calendars and Listings create a new calendar or edit an existing calendar and select “Tile View” as the Listing Type. The Page Theme assigned to the calendar may need to be updated to allow this new Listing Type. If it does the system will prompt the user with the message below and will provide a link to navigate to that Page Theme to update it.
System Page Themes will have all the setup they need already. If the calendar has a user defined (custom) Page Theme assigned then it may need to be updated as indicated above so that the new calendar styles are created for that theme.
Basic Configuration
Selecting this Listing Type gives you access to the following options specific to this view.
- Event Display Type – This can be used to set where the date will be displayed for each tile. The default is that the calendar will assign a display based on the position of the tile.
- Date Display Type – This can be used to determine what format the date will be displayed (order of day, month and year; long or short month, etc).
- Events Per Page – This calendar has paging and this value will determine how many event tiles will appear on each page (0 defaults to all / no paging). Customers who show 100s or 1000s of events should set a limit for this to make the display practical.
- Background Image Category – Pick the account image category that the calendar will pull from to generate the tile background images. If no category is selected then it will default to the system Learning Stream Backgrounds category. In addition to Backgrounds (basic color backgrounds), there are also system stock libraries for Business, Education, Medical and Dental.
Advanced Configuration
- Background Images – If you want to use your own images, or only want to use some of the system images, then create a new file category for the purpose or attaching it to your calendar. To include a Learning Stream stock photo in your category, click Assign next to that image in the list, check the box for your category and save changes. Learning Stream stock images are sized at 640 pixels wide which are a good balance between display and performance. Other sizes can scale as well and users can try out what size works best for their own images. Learning Stream stock images are a quick way to get started. Users can create their own, or just pick the Learning Stream images they want.
- Event Settings – Any of the calendar settings (event display type, date display type and background image) can be set directly for an event and will override the calendar settings. This can be found under Event Setup > Advanced in the Calendar Display section with the other calendar display settings.
Favorite Events – When you are logged in to the calendar (cart is assigned to calendar), a heart icon will appear next to the event title. Clicking this will favorite the event meaning it will always appear at the top of the list.
Category Filters
Video Creating Category Filters
How to set up multiple category filters:
Choose multiple categories when you set up an event. In the above example, you would choose at least Beginning Training, In Person and Louisville classes.
- On the top menu, go to Interface > Calendars and Listings.
- Go to [Categories] > Setup Selection Filters > Add Filter.
- Filter Label gives your category list a name.
- The priority determines the order of the dropdowns.
- Select the categories for each dropdown list.
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