Digital Signature (Add-on feature)
Admin > Digital Signature Documents
If you need to verify a registrant's agreement to terms, but a checkbox isn't enough, Learning Stream's Digital Signature tool may do the trick.
With this tool, you can create digital documents and then attach them to a registration form for signature. Reports are available at the event and system levels.
Video Digital Signatures
Under Admin > Digital Signature Documents click Create Document
- Enter a title for your document a title. Registrants will see this so label it accordingly.
- Select your Signature Rule whether per event or per registrant.
- Enter a tag name containing no spaces. It should be a description that the admin recognizes.
- Enter the content of your document including the Advanced Tags for Digital Signature
Once you have completed your updates click Publish Changes.
If you make additional changes make sure you click Publish Changes again.
In the event add a new question to the form. Click Add Question then select the question type of Digital Signature Request
It looks like this on the registration form:
There is a report in the event called Digital Signature under Reports > Registrant Listing.
If the event is connected to the registrant database which requires login credentials to register, a copy of the signed document will be immediately recorded in the registrant’s database record under History > Digital Signatures
Please contact support for pricing on this feature.
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