Every registration for an event can be viewed on the main Registrant Listing. You can register persons internally, select them from the Registrant Database, or by using the Registration Import feature.
Refer to the key at the bottom of the registration list for Edit, Financial (if applicable), Cancel and
- Use the search field to find a registrant by first or last name, or by a custom listing. Click on Customize List to add more columns to display. You can add up to 5 additional columns in addition to basic registration information to display.
- Filter alphabetically.
- Use dates to narrow the list based on registration date.
Print List takes you to a custom export in Reports.
If the event is tied to the Registrant Database (requiring registrants to have an account, New Registration from the DB will appear as an option to add a registrant. If not, the option will read Copy Registration From Other Event.
How to Add New Registrants
You can register a person internally at any time, even after the public registration period has closed or the event has passed. Click on "New Individual Registration." An internally-registered person will receive a confirmation message the same as anyone who registers externally.
Copy a Registration from Another Event
When you click the "Copy Registration" button, you will see a list of past or current events. Click [Select] to choose a registrant from any event and copy the information to your new event. The copied registrant will receive a confirmation email when successfully registered.
Import Registrations from File
You will see this option only if you have activated it Application > Account > Features. This function will help you bulk register a group. See Registration Import
View when event is linked to Registrant Database
Find bulk registration instructions here.
The Group Registration option (a separate link on the event page for groups) is available only if you are not using the Registrant Database, which requires each registrant to have or to create an ID and password. The Group registration option also is different from the Cart option. If you are considering the use of the group registration feature, contact Learning Stream service representative.
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